Plants vs. Zombies : Level Creator Wiki

Zombotany 3 is a more challenging, difficult yet fun version of Zombotany 3. It takes place on the Roof.

New Zombies

Coffee Bean Zombie- A fast zombie that awakens any slow and sleeping mushroom zombie but kills itself in the process. -Takes 10 damage shots

Cabbage-pult Zombie- Pults cabbages over your defenses and ignores any Pumpkin but can be blocked with Umbrella Leaf -Takes 10 Damage Shots

Kernel-pult Zombie- Shoots butter that stuns plants for 3 seconds Takes- 15 Damage Shots

Melon-pult Zombie- One of your worst enemies. Melons do heavy damage and splash damage spreads. Can be deflected with Umbrella Leaf. Takes 32 damage shots

(Not Done Yet)
